Jobless Talent! Dr Waleed Who Won 29 Gold Medals in MBBS Turns to Fiverr for Income

Jobless Talent! Dr Waleed Who Won 29 Gold Medals in MBBS Turns to Fiverr for Income
Jobless Talent! Dr Waleed Who Won 29 Gold Medals in MBBS Turns to Fiverr for Income

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Dr. Waleed's reliance on marketplaces like Fiver is a sign of a bigger issue in Pakistan, where highly qualified people frequently struggle to find employment that is suited for their qualifications and skill set. To address the underlying causes of this gap between educational attainment and employment opportunities, extensive measures are needed.


While platforms for freelancing provide a short-term means of generating revenue, they do not deal with the structural issues that cause highly trained workers to become unemployed. To bridge the skills gap and enable brilliant people like Dr. Waleed to use their abilities to the fullest, reforms in the labour market and the healthcare industry are required.


The value of fostering an atmosphere that supports entrepreneurship and creativity is underscored by Dr. Waleed's belief in freelancing. Talented professionals can be empowered to contribute to the economy and create possibilities for themselves and others by being encouraged to work for themselves and being given assistance in starting their own enterprises.


Dr. Waleed's experience serves as a sobering reminder of the difficulties faced by jobless individuals with great skills and capabilities. It highlights the need for coordinated action on the part of politicians, academic institutions, and businesses to bridge skill gaps between existing job openings and applicants, as well as to support an environment that values and rewards experience. Gives.


Last but not least, Dr. Waleed's situation, despite his great accomplishments in earning 29 gold medals throughout his MBBS studies, illustrates the difficulties that highly qualified people encounter while trying to get respectable job in Pakistan. I've got to. His decision to use freelancing marketplaces like Fiverr to make money demonstrates the resourcefulness and tenacity of jobless individuals. Unlocking the potential of individuals like Dr. Waleed and creating a more inclusive and affluent society depend on addressing the structural problems that contribute to unemployment among brilliant professionals.




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